Tuesday, July 12, 2005


I found it!! errr...yeah the reason for the awful lump in my throat is coz i have an ulcer on a gland in my throat that has swollen up as a result...so once i take care of the ulcer the swelling will go too.

Boy it was raining cats and dogs in delhi today...more cats and dogs than ive ever seen before and i can assure you i've never walked the roads in this much of rain in my life before. All this for a meeting that never happened and i almost got my nikes spoilt for it. To top it all i got back home, forgetting my purse and keys at my uncles house and had to borrow money from the society guard to pay the auto and wait out for an hour till my friend came in with the keys!

Now i wanna talk about the 2 guys im living with right now. The hairy bear-like creature is Rohan. He likes to call himself amar chandi [my ass] as a tongue in cheek tribute to his employers. i just call him Ro! He has let me stay in his apt and has allowed me to use his car when he was away!! Thanks Da!!

The other dude is Gaurav, who is a law school junior of Ro's. He has just recently started working as the law officer for an NGO. Compared to Ro he has quite a lesser paying and demanding job but he is very adept at getting his friends to take care of him and envy his ability to do that!! The bugger doesnt even ask, they just pay up for him all the time!!

I think ive lost some weight since ive come to delhi but i have no clue how much as im yet to get around to a weighing machine. I've brought along a couple of pants that do not fit me, maybe ill try them on and see if they fit me now...then i know im getting into better shape!!

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