Did I mention I recently moved into a 2 bedroom apartment in Hyd?...Oh well I did, and this is how events unfurled...
Day 1 4pm - I move in. Considering my worldly belongings consist of 4 suitcases of clothes and books and a bed, there is enough place in my apartment for a TT table, Fussball table and a mini roller-blading rink. Considering I get whacked by most of my friends in TT and have never been into roller blading, the only sane option was a Fussball table. This took 5 hours to decide.
Day 2 12 am - I wake up...its searing hot. I wasn't able to sleep. I drank some water.It didn't help because it was HOT WATER! Now I needed to get an air-conditioner or water-cooler, refrigerator and maybe a microwave. Fussball table - stupid idea!! What was i thinking!! But what do i get first, an ac / fridge/ water cooler/ microwave . This took 5 days to decide
Day 6 - I go to office and tag along with a colleague to get a fridge. There were so many options...single door/double door, Godrej/Samsung/LG and the likes. After a thorough study of which option would be good enough to hold a reasonable number of beer bottles, I finally settled on a Single Door 200 L Godrej Pentacool. The clincher was that the shelf separators were made of metal wiring, giving a natural hold to stack up bottles. The double frosted glass separators were too slippery for the bottles. This took 15 mins to decide.
Day 6 - 2 hours later - Shiny new Refrigerator delivered at home.. My first household consumer durable. I couldn't bear to see it empty. I rushed out to buy milk, apples, oranges, water,an ice cream brick, corn flakes, watermelon, bread, jam...food that involve cooling but no cooking :-D
I come back home, stuff these into my new fridge [i need a name for it btw!]. After admiring it for a couple of minutes, i decided to dig into the watermelon. That's when i realise I have no cutlery. So off I go again, this time to get some plates, cups, glasses, spoons, forks et al
I bring them back home and unpack 'em in the kitchen to realise that I dont have a place to put these! So off I was again, this time to get a dish rack and some dishwasher soap. I hang around the shop for a few more minutes, calling up my mother/sister/friends to check if I need anymore stuff for the kitchen. After getting 15 minutes of counselling, I get a kitchen knife, a vegetable-peeler, a cutting board and 3 stainless steel glasses.
I got back home, a little tired and weary, hoping that no further oversights would come to light. I was quite relaxed when even after an hour, I could not recollect anything amiss.
So, in just reward, I cleaned off the ice-cream and went off to sleep!
PS - Pls do give suggestions for names for the refrigerator and toaster [yes i got one!] I liked the name Rambo, but couldnt decide if that should go to the fridge or the toaster..