Sunday, September 04, 2005

Bangalore trip

yes ppl im back from a placecom trip to bangalore...we covered 75 companies in all...and the rest of the info is confidential!!

man bangalore is much better than delhi...if only they could do something about the traffic and burgeoning pollution...and as for the babe quotient is dont compare with North Campus...but i wonder if the quality is better there....anyways wasnt around long enuff to find out.As for the trip itself i visited some really cool offices and companies but the place i would really really love to work in is google!! they had by far the best office. Its on Vittal Mallya Road in Bangalore and im not goin to go into details beyond the reception area...they have this huge 9ft*15ft screen on which every google search made anywhere in the world in any language pops up in real time...this is barrin the porn searches of course...but just the sight of it all scrollin up the screen in real diff isnt recruiting.... Another strikin thing was most of the campus relations HR execs seemed to be around our age and mustve been barely out of college... that allowed for some really interesting conversations with some of the ladies .

i did meet some friends good ones after a long time and some for the first time....and it really felt good...seein anup after 8 yrs....rohit with his fledgling pot belly and meeting girish aka zingo for the first time!!

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