Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Notes From The Future

(This is an article I just wrote for my old high school magazine)

Reading this article is not compulsory. You can choose to skip it. However, if properly read it could provoke mildly erratic behaviour in students and much indignation in adults.

1. I joined this school in 1985 and after what seemed like a 14 year life imprisonment, I was happy to get out in 1999. Perhaps, overjoyed is the right word and I swore I would never go back. But I did. I thought I would bid good riddance to the teachers. But I did not. I fondly remember the good ones, and as for the bad ones, I just don't remember why they were bad.

2. Fourteen years from now, most of you will finally succeed in forgetting the marks you got in your 10th and 12th. However, I hope you don't forget your friends. Friendships from school and sometimes, college are for keeps. Treasure them.

3. You are more likely to remember the fun times in school, than the Pythogoras theorem. Yes, that hypotenuse could turn out to be as useless as you suspect it to be. But perhaps not the person sitting next to you in class.

4. The real education your teachers impart isn't from the text books but from the decency, trust, integrity, creativity, respect and sense of humour with which they conduct their relationship with their class. I had some great teachers in school who taught me incredible life lessons that still guide me.

5. The two subjects that are of utmost importance in life are English and Mathematics. The former helps you earn a living and the latter helps you count what you earn. Sometimes, vice versa also (Don't ask).

6. Top Marks in academics are not always an indicator of future success. Sometimes, those students who keep standing outside class, could really become outstanding in life.

7. The biggest mistake you will make in school is not doing something you really want to do, for fear of ridicule from those around you.

8. Make sure you learn to play the guitar before you leave school. Other hobbies like sports, debating, reading, quizzing, dancing etc are also good but learn to play the guitar. It is a life skill.

9. Forgive your parents. They're just as confused as you are. They mean well.

10. My tribute to Mrs. Thomas on her retirement. She is one of the aforementioned great teachers. My first attempt at real writing was in her English II paper in Std XI. Those years in Diamond House with her and all those plays we did was an unforgettable lesson in team work and commitment. Thank You Ma'am.

God Speed.

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