Saturday, January 02, 2010

Would You Make Your New Year Resolution Public?

I know a lot of people scoff at new year resolutions. Primarily, because we end up not keeping them. There are many more who would look down on the idea, as that is giving one day too much significance. Hence some Bankers, moved New Years to 1 April, Fools Day! If you break your resolution, you can tell you conscience, "I was fooling you anyway!!" or would that be vice versa? Only a banker could have done that!! (Play with promises and conscience, and make a chicken and egg story of the two!!)

But I do believe we should be able to make promises to ourselves to keep. Pick a day and do it. Since most of us don't do it anyways, Jan 1 is just as good a day to start. The point being, DO IT. Let us avoid cowardice, and hide behind phrases like "Subconsciously, I knew..." "My Head said..." "My Heart said..." etc

Its a tough battle between the two. Let not the dread of breaking a promise for 300 days of the year, stop us from making a promise for the first 65. Its ok, it gets better. We should not give up on ourselves so easily. Its a struggle worth fighting for - Nirvana, it is, when there is absolute unity between the conscious and subconscious.

I make my promises; some public, most private.

1. I would abstain from alcohol, through the year.
2. I would lose, a kg a week till i get back to my MBA days weight level!
3. The rest are private :)

Oh yes, wish you a very happy new year my dears!!

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