Saturday, February 21, 2009

Life Choices

Life is a sum total of the choices we make in life. These choices are like a stack of Dominoes, one leading to another. They come so fast and before you realise life has taken you to an unknown place, and made you a person you cannot quite recognise.

There is nothing good or bad about it. Its just the result of the choices you have made. Remember, life would have been very different if you decided to make a different choice early on. Its very difficult when there is no time and there is a rush of pressure to follow the course. Standing up takes a lot of courage and exacts a heavy toll. All to frequently, we don't even know if we are right or wrong.

But thats ok. Stand by your decision. Thats the only right or wrong. Not what someone else thinks. Its a hard choice to make and life could exact an unforgiving price out of you for it. But at least you take to your grave, the satisfaction that you lived your life on your own terms. And no one can take that away from you, regardless of you being a hero or a villain.

PS : Thanks Nikki for shaming me into writing a post!

1 comment:

slowtumblinglife said...

Hmm. Maybe we can go back and redo some of the stuff, or going ahead take care of a few of the many regrets we have collected over time?

That could be a choice too..