Monday, August 01, 2005

Is Life Boring If there is no inundation?

Well i just read a mail from a friend in Mumbai talking about his quite unbelievable experience in mumbai during the recent rains there and this led me to think if my life is boring! Well ive not been close to bein inundated by anything in delhi, except for that leakin flush in rohans place!!

Well ive made it to the placecom in College. hmmm...dunno about the realms of responsibility coming up...but definitely lots of hard work and politics!! yipee!!! :D BTW we did have two guest lectures so far one by rajiv khandelwal , Dir Internal Audit Ranabaxy and another by Omar Farooq Head HR at ATS, who is also an alumnus of ours. Classes are gettin on ok...just about getting used to the 2 hr lectures but it gets really boring and irritating if a class is cancelled or rescheduled. The profs are good so far, not as bad as the ones ive encountered in my UG!!

Oh ok another clarification to all these family types who are reading i did not snip Shreya' s was an accident and there were not more than 5 strands of hair about 5 cms long...if u hear anything otherwise its a big exaggeration and i am not responsible for it!

Had my first experience in delhi of getting into a restaurant and getting out as it was way over our budget!! and in our defence we thought it was sagar not swagat!! and its really weird to have a north indian guy reading out the specials for the day in a south indian restaurant!!....seriously even a simple word like idli is pronounced weird!! :D


Anonymous said...

Funny guy!! for us who are across the ocean, the responses to incidents unknown reveal more than you probably want..

But yes, life can be boring even when the greatest excitement is happening right now. But living life truly cannot be boring despite any circumstances when one knows where he is going and why.. Do we?

The Man Who Wasnt There said...

Placement comm member? and snipping the hair of damsels??? Ah!Well talk abt doing a "cutting edge" MBA :P